The body is made up of “cells”
Our human body is composed of around 40,000,000,000,000 (40 trillion) small “cells.” Various types of cells, such as brain cells, heart cells, liver cells, skin cells, and many others, come together to form our body. These myriad cells communicate with each other, each playing a distinct role. When the functions of individual cells are normal, and communication is smooth, achieving a harmonious state as a living organism is considered “health.”

“Genetic DNA” is a lifelong factor constituting the life of cells and the body
The main players responsible for the functions of cells and the communication between cells are thousands of proteins with various features and functions. Stored in every cell as the blueprint*1 for these proteins are the “genetic DNA” copies inherited half from each parent. Proteins created based on the information recorded in genetic DNA maintain the cells that shape our bodies, so it can be said that our lives are constituted by the functions of genetic DNA. The genetic DNA contains the same copies in all 40 trillion cells and remains unchanged throughout our lifetime.*2

“Are diseases and physical discomfort caused by ‘genetic DNA’?”
If there is a malfunction in the functions of genes and there are issues with the condition of cells or communication between cells, various diseases and physical discomfort can manifest in the body depending on the type of problem. Is it necessary to change genes to solve the causes of such diseases? Not necessarily. (To be continued in the next installment)